Hill Climb Acupuncture & Bike Fit's mission is to combine a passion for cycling with the desire to help athletes in their health and recovery processes. Acupuncture is the perfect adjunct therapy for any athlete. The acupuncturists at Hill Climb Acupuncture & Bike Fit provide top quality care for athletes and non-athletes alike.
Patient well-being is primary, and we will do our utmost to deliver the best individual acupuncture treatment to every patient.
Secondarily, Hill Climb Acupuncture & Bike Fit wishes to educate patients on the health benefits of acupuncture, oriental medicine, sports nutrition, and training. By providing detailed information and tailored plans, we strive to bring each patient to optimal health and athletic ability, as well as reduce recovery time for injured individuals.
Acupuncture aids recovery by increasing circulation and decreasing inflammation in order to promote healing. With correct manipulation of motor points, muscles can be restored to their proper lengths and joint functions are optimized. Acupuncture is also successful at reducing psychological stress and anxiety, which is essential for cyclists especially during a grueling stage race. Our acupuncturists continue expanding their own education to stay abreast of the most advanced sports acupuncture techniques available in order to provide the most effective treatment possible.